Sunrise, not Sunset: a short film celebrating the Human Rights Act

30 Oct, 2018 | Events, Latest, Protecting Human Rights in the UK, Resources

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Scene from 'Sunrise, not Sunset'

How the Human Rights Act helps ordinary people in everyday situations – watch Sunrise, not Sunset

(13 minutes, via René Cassin’s You Tube Channel)

In celebration of the Human Rights Act, René Cassin held the premiere screening on 7 November 2018 of ‘Sunrise, not Sunset’, a short film by Debora Singer MBE that tells Edith and Sydney’s story. Directed by Oscar-nominated Paul Morrison and featuring acting couple Leila and Alfred Hoffman, the short film ‘Sunrise, not Sunset’ is both funny and moving.

Sunrise, not Sunset – “Why can’t we live together in our old age?”

Edith and Sydney have just celebrated their wedding anniversary. 60 years together. Then, suddenly, they are torn apart. Not by death or divorce, but by a social care system that says “their needs are different” and places them in care homes miles apart.

Luckily, the Jewish couple have two powerful allies. The first is their dedicated and tenacious daughter Judith. The second is the Human Rights Act. Public authorities must comply with the Human Rights Act and the couple’s right to private and family life (Article 8).

Educational resources

Educational resources have been created to accompany the film Sunrise, not Sunset, by its writer, Debora Singer, with the support of Jon Meier, teacher/advisor.  They are aimed at key stages 3, 4 and 5 for Citizenship Education and for ages 11 – 18 for Cheder and Youth Movements.   The activities are based on the film and on the Human Rights Act more generally.  The resources provide opportunities for young people to engage with the issues raised.

The resources consist of:

  1. Human Rights Act background paper for teachers/leaders
  2. Human Rights Act discussion before the film
  3. Human Rights Act comprehension
  4. Human Rights Act articles exercises

If you use these resources, we would welcome feedback via

Photograph shows Julie Binysh; Leila Hoffman; Alfred Hoffman

Debora Singer is a human rights activist and campaigner.  By using drama, she aims to reach hearts and minds to change the discourse about the Human Rights Act. This is demonstrated in another of Debora Singer’s films, The Boy who Changed the Law.

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