2020 Fellowship Programme

25 Oct, 2019 | 2020 Cohort, Fellowship Programme, Latest

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*** deadline for applications extended to noon, Monday 18 November ***

Are you interested in looking at human rights through a Jewish lens? If so, the René Cassin Fellowship Programme, supported by the Anglo-Jewish Association, might be just what you are looking for.

The René Cassin Fellowship Programme (RCFP) explores Jewish visions for a just society and provides individuals with the knowledge, skills and contacts needed to enhance their activism in the areas of social justice and human rights. The RCFP brings together a cohort of exceptional professionals to explore human rights issues from a uniquely Jewish perspective.

About the programme

The ten-month Fellowship Programme has three main components. The first is a series of knowledge based sessions concentrating on current issues such as slavery, human rights protections and asylum. This process will be facilitated by leading human rights activists and communal leaders.

As an RCFP Fellow, you will:

  • Learn from leading campaigners, lawyers and academics on current human rights issues
  • Take part in a study trip exploring human rights challenges and meeting activists
  • Get ‘skilled up’ on how to campaign for change
  • Conceive, design and run your own human rights project using the knowledge, skills and contacts you have gained during the programme

Note new deadline: Apply by noon, Monday 18 November to be one of our 2020 Fellows

Download the application form here.

Are you eligible?

The RCFP has no fixed age limit and the cohort benefits from a real mixture of age and experience. If you are interested in increasing your knowledge of human rights and Jewish visions of a just society, the RCFP is right for you. You will emerge equipped with the skills, knowledge, passion and contacts to become a leader with René Cassin in the human rights and social justice arena.

The ideal candidate

To be a René Cassin Fellow, you must be able to get to London for the nine monthly sessions and attend the five-day study trip in May, show a passion for social issues and be interested and open to explore those issues through the lens of Jewish values.  You must also be able to undertake a social justice project in the months following the end of the programme. Provisional dates are below:

  • Session One – 28th January
  • Session Two – 25th February
  • Session Three – 24th March
  • Session Four – 28th April
  • Session Five – 12th May
  • Study trip: 21st -24th May (Over Bank Holiday weekend)
  • Session Six – 23rd June
  • Session Seven – 14th July
  • Session Eight – 22nd September
  • Session Nine – 20th October
  • Graduation – 24th November

Click here to read our 2018 Fellows’ blogs about this year’s Session One, Session Two, Session Three and Session Four.


Fellows are expected to pay a £350 programme fee and an equivalent deposit. The deposit will be returned to you upon full completion of the ProgrammeThe programme fee covers flights and accommodation for the Budapest trip as well as the monthly sessions.

If you are unable to bear these costs, please let us know when you return the application form and we can discuss monthly instalment plans or other arrangements.

Religious observance

René Cassin is a pluralist organisation, and we welcome applicants from all levels of religious observance. If you observe Shabbat or any level of kashrut, please let us know and we will be delighted to accommodate this.

Application process

Please complete the application form and return it to info@renecassin.org by noon on Monday 18 November 2020.

Click here to download an application form.

Click here to return to our main Fellowship Programme page, where you can read about our previous cohorts and their thoughts on the Programme.

Let’s stay in touch!

We are constantly developing our campaigns, planning events, and cultivating discussions on Human Rights issues, sign up for our email updates and we’ll keep you informed on all we are working on and how YOU can get involved.