15 Nov, 2023 | Latest, News, Stop the hostile environment

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We are relieved today that the Supreme Court has made the right decision in supporting human rights by declaring that Rwanda is not a safe country to send people fleeing persecution and seeking safety in the UK.

While we are pleased with the decision today, we remain concerned with the government’s continuous efforts to limit the protections and safeguards provided by the human rights framework, from the threat to withdraw from the European Convention on Human Rights, to undermining the UK commitment under the Refugee Convention, to the weakening of Modern Slavery laws, placing people seeking safety from persecution at risk of harm and human rights violations.

“As a Jewish community, we understand from experience that people seeking safety in the UK deserve dignity and compassion. Treating such people – fleeing terror and persecution as we did – with suspicion, punishment and cruelty is to disregard the lessons of Jewish experience.”

We remain hopeful that with our compassionate and welcoming UK public, we will stand up for rights for people seeking sanctuary.

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