Conspiracy Theory: A Lizard’s Tale

25 Oct, 2019 | Events, Latest

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The funniest show about Anti-Semitism on the fringe, or anywhere I suspect” – David Schneider

Monday 16 December 2019, 7.30pm
(date moved from Monday 9 December)

JW3, 341-351 Finchley Road, London NW3 6ET

Tickets £12-15
via JW3 website

Hashtag: #LizardsTale

Marlon’s a Jew. This didn’t bother him much until he discovered that some people he knew didn’t believe the Holocaust happened. From 9/11 to shape-shifting lizards and Holocaust denial, this is a darkly comic tale of one man’s journey through the conspiracy underworld.

The first one-person show to be performed in the Houses of Parliament, Marlon Solomon’s Conspiracy Theory: A Lizard’s Tale examines how fake news gives fresh currency to ancient slander, and explores why conspiracy theories are more popular than ever.

Conspiracy Theory: A Lizard’s Tale is a one-man multi-media piece of storytelling, a comic tale which is no laughing matter.

What others have said about this show:

  • “Funny, moving and at some points deeply disturbing” – David Baddiel
  • “A devastating show, informative, absorbing and very funny. The funniest show about Anti-Semitism on the fringe, or anywhere I suspect” – David Schneider
  • “Compelling, shocking, essential” – Al Murray
  • Winner of “Best Spoken Word” category – Manchester Fringe 2018

Marlon Solomon is an actor/musician from Manchester. His first one-man show has hit the zeitgeist and is the first one-person show to be performed in Parliament as well as being discussed in the political pages of The Guardian, The New Statesman, Prospect magazine and featured on Channel 4 News.

Event hosted in conjunction with the Anglo-Jewish Association

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