It is a year since, in December 2021, an independent Uyghur Tribunal found the Chinese government guilty, without reasonable doubt, of the crimes of torture, crimes against humanity and genocide against Uyghurs and other Turkic Muslim populations.
“the tribunal is satisfied beyond reasonable doubt that the People’s Republic of China, by the imposition of measures to destroy a significant part of the Uyghurs in Xinjiang as such, has committed genocide” Sir Geoffrey Nice KC, People’s Uyghur Tribunal (2021)
The Chinese government’s persecution of the Uyghurs reflects some of the worst human rights violations including torture, forced steralisation, sexual abuse, political ‘re-education’, forced labour and separating children from their families. Uyghurs depend on actions taken by decision makers, businesses and civil society to secure a life of dignity and safety.
You read about recent updates here.
What Can you Do? A Hanukkah Call to Action
Make a difference in one man’s life
- Give a donation to the Global Legal Action Network , that is supporting Erbakit with his asylum application
Take a step to end Uyghur forced labour
- Write to the CEO of your favourite fashion or apparel company urging them to take the necessary steps in order to fulfil their corporate responsibility obligations to respect human rights.
- When you are next on the high street, before entering these shops, ask yourself – “are forced labour and persecution a price i am willing to pay and a practice to which I can turn a blind eye?”
- Call on the UK government to pass legislation criminalising import of products made by Uyghur forced labour.
“You may choose to look the other way but you can never say again that you did not know”
(William Wilberforce, 1789, prior to the vote on the Abolition Bill in Parliament)