National Hate Crime Awareness Week: Cut It Out

25 Sep, 2019 | Events, Latest, Tackling Hate Crime

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Wednesday 16 October 2019, 5 – 7pm

House of Commons, Room 10, Palace of Westminster, London SW1A 0AA

Speakers include:

  • Kate Green MP – Co-Chair of APPG Gypsies Travellers and Roma
  • Martin Gallagher – Irish Traveller activist and academic
  • Rosanna Rafel-Rix – Community Security Trust

René Cassin and the Traveller Movement invite you the Houses of Parliament for the launch of our new campaign: ‘#CutItOut’ – part of National Hate Crime Awareness Week.

Gypsies, Roma and Travellers share a history of persecution with Jewish people. Targeted by the Nazis during the Holocaust, faced with open prejudice and official indifference, and now subjected to a rise in hate speech and online abuse.

Hate speech legitimises prejudice. Prejudice fuels hostility. Hostility can lead to violence. All too often that sequence begins with casual bigotry from the powerful – politicians and the media – at the expense of the powerless.

The Traveller Movement and René Cassin are launching this campaign to raise awareness of the harmful consequences of hateful rhetoric against minorities.

The launch is free and all are welcome – please reserve your place(s) via Eventbrite

We hope to see you there

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