Human Rights Shabbat 5778 Resources

29 Nov, 2017 | Education, Events, Latest, News, Resources, Slavery and Trafficking, Stop the hostile environment

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Below you can find all the resources for this year’s Human Rights Shabbat (2017). The resource aims to help you celebrate World Human Rights Day and shine a light onto modern day slavery.

You can find the entire resource through this link here.

Download our 2018 anti-slavery supporter calendar to see what actions you can take each month.

The pack contains fact sheets, text studies, case studies, infographics, sermon notes, educational sessions, posters, suggestions on ways to take action and much much more.

Let us know what you think of the resources and get in touch by emailing

You can use the hashtag #HumanRightsShabbat and tag us on twitter @Rene_Cassin to let us know what you get up to.

If you are writing a sermon we would love to see it and put it up on our website to share with others and push it out through our social media. Please email it to

*With thanks to Rabbi Lea Muhlstein, Elliot Steinberg, Hannah Gaventa and our entire modern slavery campaign team for their support for making various resources for thisw years Human Rights Shabbat.

Let’s stay in touch!

We are constantly developing our campaigns, planning events, and cultivating discussions on Human Rights issues, sign up for our email updates and we’ll keep you informed on all we are working on and how YOU can get involved.