Human Rights Thought for the Week

- “Am I my Brother’s Keeper?”, Bereshit, Rev. Alexander Goldberg
- ‘Diversity and Ethics: principles of a modern society’, Noach, Joe Boxer
- ‘The World’s First Refugee’, Lech-Lecha, Mia Hasenson-Gross
- ‘The Story of an Argument’, Vayeira, Joseph Grabiner
- ‘Rebecca and the Origin of Chesed’, Chayei Sarah, Dan Jacobs
- ‘The Inspiration for Human Rights and Morality’, Toledot, Rabbi Ari Faust
- ‘Cheat, Trick, Deceive’. Vayetze, Sam Rodin
- ‘Defending the Family’, Vayishlach, Rabbi Raphael Zarum
- ‘The Essence of the Jewish Soul’, Vayeshev, Rabbi Oli Joseph
- ‘Human Rights Advocates Walk in Joseph’s Footsteps’, Miketz, Gabriel Webber
- ‘The True Value of Freedom and Reconciliation’, Vayigash, Rabbi Alexandra Wright
- ‘What’s Jewish About Human Rights’, Vayechi, Anthony Silkoff
- ‘Giving Voice to the Voiceless’, Shemot, Abigail Morris
- ‘Choices’, Va’eira, Olivia Marks-Woldman
- ‘Breaking the Yoke of Slavery’, Bo, Rabbi Elli Tikvah Sarah
- ‘The Legacy of Freedom’, Beshalach, Esmond Rosen‘
- ‘International Law and Torah Law’, Yitro, Dr Shaiya Rothberg
- ‘Human Rights for All’, Mishpatim, Michael Goldin
- ‘A World Fit for God’s and Humanity’s Presence’, Terumah, Rabbi Mark Goldsmith
- ‘A Lesson in Community’, Tetzaveh, Emma Dorman
- ‘The Commitment of Human Rights’, Ki Tissa, Rabbi Danny Smith
- ‘Community Building’, Vayakhel, Leonie Lewis
- ‘The Notion of Collective Responsibility’, Pekudei, Sammy Lee
- ‘Rituals’, Vayikra, Keith Kahn-Harris
- ‘Leadership and Populism’, Tzav, Hannah Weisfeld
- ‘Positive and Negative Liberty’, Shemini, Rabbi David Mason
- ‘A Right to Healthcare’, Tazria, Rabbi Danny Rich
- ‘Breaking Up the Plague of Ethical Impunity Upon All Our Houses’, Metzora, David Brown
- ‘Agunot’, Goats and Divorce, Acharei Mot, Shelley Marsh
- ‘Religion, Modernity and Morality’, Kedoshim, Michael Wegier
- ‘Blaspheming and Human Rights’, Emor, Hannah Swirsky
- ‘Supporting Those Whose Hands Have Faltered’, Behar, Rebecca Singer
- ‘Legality and Morality’, Bechukotai, Sam Grant
- ‘Overwhelming Numbers and What to Do With Them’, Bemidbar, Dr Edie Friedman
- ‘Violence Against Women’, Naso, Rabbi Benji Stanley
- ‘With Crisis Comes Hunger’, Behaalotecha, Laura Marks
- ‘A Right to Life’, Sh’lach, Rabbi Lea Mühlstein
- ‘Looking Behind the Power of Words’, Korach, Rabbi Sylvia Rothschild
- ‘Running Away From Snakes’, Chukat, Rabbi Robyn Ashworth-Steen
- ‘Speak Up and Speak Out’, Balak, Gideon Leibowitz
- ‘Vigilant(E)’, Pinchas, Rabbi Richard Jacobi
- ‘Between Rights and Responsibilities’, Matot, Robin Moss
- ‘Cities of Refuge and Human Rights’, Masei, Rabbi Roni Tabick
- ‘Hearing Out High and Low Alike’, Devarim, Matt Plen
- ‘The Right to Rest’, Va’etchanan, Rabbi Deborah Kahn-Harris
- ‘A Paradox of Human Rights’, Eikev, Sam Alston
- ‘Seeing With Our Hearts’, Re’eh, Rabbi Janet Darley
- ‘Justice Doesn’t Come Cheap’, Shoftim, Micah Smith
- ‘Who are the Widow, Orphan and Stranger?’, Ki Teitzei, Georgina Bye
- ‘There But For the Grace of G-D, Go We…’, Ki Tavo, Rabbi Sybil Sheridan
- ‘Gender Policing’, Nitzavim, Dalia Fleming
- ‘Be Strong, Be of Good Courage’, Vayeilech, Maureen Kendler
- ‘Torah and Human Rights’, Haazinu, Norman Solomon
- ‘The Invisibility of Modern Slavery’, V’Zot HaBerachah, Elliot Steinberg