It’s election time! Here at René Cassin we’ve put together five key issues that our next Government should be addressing. This is your opportunity to find out where your local candidates stand on human rights issues. Getting answers from them now can also help us hold them to account after June 8.
*** UPDATE 24 May *** – here’s what the party manifestos say about each of these issues
Our next Government should…
- Protect the Human Rights Act and maintain our commitment to the European Convention on Human Rights
- Keep existing equality and human rights laws when we leave the EU
- Ensure people cannot be held in immigration detention for more than 28 days
- Provide better support for survivors of modern day slavery
- Address hate crime and discrimination faced by minority groups
Download our full briefing here or read it at the bottom of this post.
In the briefing you will find background to each of the areas as well as questions you can ask your local candiadtes. So how do I get in touch with them?
Contact your prospective parliamentary candidates (PPCs)
After the 12 May, the details of all your local candidates will be made available here and here.
The more PPCs asked about human rights issues the more we will be sending a message about which issues matter to us.
Send a letter!
You can write to your PPCs using the sample letter here.
Tweet a tweet!
You can tweet at your PPCs and ask if they support any of the issues highlighted. You can use this website to help you find the right twitter profile. Not sure what to tweet? We’ll be tweeting out our election asks and you are more than welcome to retweet those or use some of these templates:
- (Dear XXX,) Did you know that UK locks up migrants indefinitely? If elected, will you support a time limit on immigration #detention? #Time4aTimeLimit
- (Dear @XXX,) If elected will you protect human rights by defending the #HumanRightsAct and the European Convention on #HumanRights?
- (Dear @XXX,) Hate crime reporting has risen, will you address #hatecrime and discrimination faced by minority groups?
- (Dear @XXX,) Survivors of human trafficking are falling through gaps in the system, will you help us improve support for survivors of #modernslavery?
- (Dear @XXX,) As a PPC in my constituency will you protect existing equality and #humanrights laws when we leave the EU?
Hustle at a husting!
Find out where hustings are taking place in your local area and ask the candidates if they support our policy asks.
You might also get a knock on the door from local campaigners. If that happens, take the opportunity to ask about the issues that matter to you.
Ask your friends and family to do the same!
Let us know about any responses.
What was the response from your PPC? Let us know, it will help us hold them to account going forward. Contact us on email at
Don’t forget to vote.