
René Cassin offers internship opportunities throughout the year.

The 2025 internship programme is currently closed. 


“I would recommend [a René Cassin Internship] to anyone who is aspiring to work in social justice and human rights.”
Annette Haddad, 2015 Intern

René Cassin internships provide direct exposure to the workings of a human rights organisation, close supervision by the staff, interaction with other NGOs and policy makers, and opportunities to attend meetings and special events relating to human rights.

  • London living wage
  • Part-time hours (3 days a week / up to 21 hours) 
  • Internships generally last between 8 and 10 weeks
  • Applicants will be able to display a keen interest in human rights, law or related subjects with strong writing and research skills.
  • Excellent oral and written command of English is essential.
  • Applicants should demonstrate knowledge of human rights concepts, and good attention to detail, organisational skills and judgment.
  • Basic computer skills (i.e., MS Office suite, internet proficiency) are required; design and communications experience is a plus.

Key responsibilities

  • Undertaking research and drafting breifings.
  • Assisting with specific campaigns.
  • Responsibility for René Cassin’s social media.
  • Media Tracking.
  • Updating the website.

Please send a covering letter detailing your suitability for the role, dates you wish to intern and CV to Due to the large number of applications we receive, we are unable to respond to unsuccessful candidates.

René Cassin does not discriminate in its hiring practices.

What past interns say...

“Interning overseas at René Cassin was a truly eye-opening and rewarding experience and affirmed my strong interest to pursue a career in human rights law. I gained a valuable insight into policy and international human rights while simultaneously improving my organisational, research and writing skills. It was deeply gratifying being able to see the tangible impact of my work from inside the office translate to making an impact in the community. By the end of 3 months I really felt part of the René Cassin fabric – I was given the opportunity to represent René Cassin at a UK All Party Parliamentary Group meeting and at the Rights Beyond 2015 human rights and equality conference. Overall it was a highly worthwhile experience that I would recommend to anyone who is aspiring to work in social justice and human rights.”

Annette Haddad, University of New South Wales, Australia

What past interns say...

“During the three months I spent at René Cassin, my interest to pursue a career in human rights grew, as I was given a valuable insight into the work that goes on within the sector. From day one, I undertook a large amount of responsibility, from running their social media accounts to extending their reach by building relationships with universities and schools throughout the country.”

Hannah Richter, UK

What past interns say...

“I interned with René Cassin in the spring of 2015, having recently returned to London after a year and a half in Lebanon, working alongside international NGOs providing refugee relief. My internship with René Cassin gave me my first experience working on domestic human rights issues in the UK, which in turn taught me a great deal about the tools of parliamentary advocacy and the amazing community of rights organisations in the UK.”

Gabriela Siegel, UK

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