Modern Slavery and Homelessness Workshops

9 Oct, 2019 | Events, Latest, Slavery and Trafficking, Stop the hostile environment

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Described by Theresa May as the “great human rights issue of our time” there are an estimated 136,000 victims of modern slavery and human trafficking in the UK. There are also at least 320,000 people homeless people in the UK, according to homeless charity Shelter.

René Cassin will host training sessions on modern slavery and homelessness, primarily aimed at members of the Jewish community who volunteer for soup kitchens, homeless shelters or asylum drop-in centres. Led by external trainers, these sessions will give frontline volunteers knowledge and awareness of the dangers of modern slavery, as well as the tools to spot the signs and know how to respond.

The intersect between modern slavery and homelessness works in two ways:

  1. Cases of modern slavery that have gone through the courts over the past decade have also revealed how homeless people are targeted by traffickers and gangs. A recent report by Unseen finds traffickers pose as volunteers in soup kitchen, shelters, places of worship and online to force homeless people into modern slavery and sex trafficking.
  2. Following the minimum 45-day period during which recognised victims are protected in a safe house, victims of modern slavery are often left homeless, destitute, and vulnerable to re-trafficking or deportation.

Given this, people who work with homeless people are well placed to safeguard against modern slavery from happening in the first place, to identify victims when it does take place and to sign-post to external support.

When: Wednesday 6th and Wednesday 13th November, 6.30-8.30pm

Where: René Cassin, 853 Finchley Road, London NW11 8LX

Session One: Introduction to modern slavery in the UK – led by
Caroline Barnard , Communications Officer at The Clewer Initiative. Read more about session one here.

Session Two: Tackling modern slavery in the homelessness sector – led by Dr Julia Tomas, Anti-Slavery Coordinator at The Passage. Read more about session two here.

These workshops are primarily aimed at members of the Jewish community who volunteer at drop-in centres, soup kitchens or homeless shelters. Others who are interested in learning more are also very welcome to attend.

The sessions are free and a light dinner will be provided. Spaces are limited and will be given on a first come first serve basis, so please book a free place via Eventbrite here.

As stated by Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis: “The foundations of Jewish belief stand on the principle that all people are created in the image of God and every single person, deserves to be treated with respect. If we act now, we can begin to end the scourge of modern-day slavery.”

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