New Digital Toolkit: Human Rights sessions

15 Jul, 2021 | Education, Latest, Resources

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Welcome to René Cassin’s digital summer toolkit!

We have put together a wide range of activities and discussion questions covering all of our major campaigns at René Cassin. From the right to food to the rights of women and the Uyghur genocide, this toolkit is designed to encourage engagement with human rights. We hope this toolkit helps enhance your educational programming this summer.

This pack covers a range of René Cassin’s campaign issues. Each campaign is split over two pages that you can use as inspiration for education and programming.

  • Understanding: A brief overview of the topic, a Jewish perspective, and René Cassin’s work on it
  • Educating on: Some suggestions for activities, discussion questions and ways to take action
You can download the toolkit here

Let’s stay in touch!

We are constantly developing our campaigns, planning events, and cultivating discussions on Human Rights issues, sign up for our email updates and we’ll keep you informed on all we are working on and how YOU can get involved.