Essay competition, events & recruitment for growth – newsletter 3 November 2020

3 Nov, 2020 | News, Newsletters

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Dear Supporter

I hope you are keeping safe and well in these difficult times. This is just a very quick update from René Cassin as we have some important news and approaching deadlines:

  • We’re recruiting! We’re looking for two Campaigns Officers to join our growing team. Full details are on our website. Deadline for applications is 9am on Monday 16 November
  • Our essay competition closes on Monday 9 December. We’re asking “Why is genocide still happening, and what can we do to stop it?”. Entries will be judged by Danny Finkelstein of The Times, and first prize is £100 and publication on our website
  • ‘Sunrise, not Sunset’ , a short film about the benefits of the Human Rights Act, written by our very own Debora Singer, will feature in this month’s Jewish Film Festival – screening on Monday 9 November at 7.30pm. And look out for our extra film – a conversation with Debora, Director Paul Morrison, and leading actor Leila Hoffman will be sharing from the same date
  • Our chair, Danny Silverstone responded to the Equality and Human Rights Commission’s report on anti-Semitism in the Labour Party. His conclusion that “ … this episode should serve as a reminder of the corrosive effect of hatred and the hurt it causes. We all have a duty to speak out against it.” reinforces the message of our “Cut It Out” campaign during last month’s Hate Crime Awareness Week.
  • A recording of our recent event What is happening to the Uyghurs in China and what you can do is now available on our You Tube channel
  • And we have three upcoming events which I hope you can join us at:
    • Homeworking, Surveillance-by-Software and the Right to Privacy – with Dr Philippa Collins. Wednesday 18 November, 6.30pm
    • The Genocide Convention – a solution or part of the problem? – with Joe Collins. Wednesday 2 December, 6.30pm
    • Human Rights Shabbat – How can Jewish experience and principles inform the prevention of genocide today? Saturday 12 December

As always, if you have any comments or questions about any aspect of René Cassin’s work, I would love to hear from you – please email me via

With very best wishes

MHG signtaure
Mia Hasenson-Gross

PS If you would like to make a one-off or regular donation to help our work, you can do so via our website at

René Cassin is a registered charity, number 1117472

Let’s stay in touch!

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