Opening the Door to Elijah: Haggadah accompaniment 2023

28 Mar, 2023 | Latest, Resources

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Pesach is a timely reminder to the Jewish people that we are no strangers to suffering. Our story of achieving freedom through divine help and human struggle has been celebrated for over three thousand years and is central to our identity, traditions, and communal legacy. As a Jewish community, we understand from experience why people seeking safety in the UK deserve dignity and compassion, not suspicion, punishment, and dehumanisation. Yet this is what people who seek sanctuary on our shores are faced with in the new immigration legislation and the increase in immigration detention that it necessitates.

This Pesach, we urge you to consider the plight of refugees in the UK today alongside our own story of enslavement and repression by utilising this Haggadah accompaniment at your Seder table. We hope it will spark conversation around your dinner table and empower you to take action.

The accompaniment includes:

  • Background on the issue of immigration detention.
  • Framing in the context of Pesach
  • Activities for the Seder
  • Suggestions of further actions you can take

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