Sign Our Letter to Barnet Council – bring back hot kosher lunches!

24 Jul, 2023 | Latest, Right to Food

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Sign, share and help us tell Barnet Council – reinstate hot, affordable, deliverable kosher lunches. 

We call on Barnet Council to intervene and save our Barnet schools Kosher Kitchen Service.

The recent sacking of 41 workers and the withdrawal of an essential social protection for children at 14 Jewish schools in Barnet must be addressed urgently. One headteacher said her school only receives £2.32p from the government per meal and the London Kosher Kitchen service could not provide meals for less money. The rising cost of food including Kosher food is creating an emergency situation and this will only get worse. All Barnet schools are already strapped for cash and are having to cut spending in order to stay afloat, so this issue must be addressed.

Sign our open letter to Barnet Council here – and join over 80 voices calling for dignity and culturally appropriate food.

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