In China, “never again” is happening again

25 Oct, 2019 | Genocide, Latest

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René Cassin submits evidence to the Foreign Affairs Select Committee Inquiry on ‘Human rights: Freedom of religion and belief, and human rights defenders’.

Read our submission.

In a submission to Parliament, René Cassin seeks to assist the Foreign Affairs Committee’s inquiry on the FCO’s human rights work, in particular its work on the freedom of religion and belief, by drawing attention to the oppression of the Uyghur community in north west China. René Cassin is raising awareness of the Uyghur crisis, because when one community’s rights are violated, all our rights are threatened.

In the first section, we provide an overview of the oppression of the Uyghur people in Xinjiang, and how this has alarming implications for freedom of religion internationally, drawing upon the experience of the Jewish community.

In the second section, we examine existing methods for raising awareness of the Uyghur crisis and holding China to account, and provide recommendations on how the FCO can improve in achieving its aim to promote the UK’s soft power by protecting human rights, particularly “defend[ing] freedom of religion and belief”.

Inspired to act?

Here’s what you can do to oppose the persecution of Uyghurs.

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