Promoting and protecting the universal rights of everyone everywhere, drawing on Jewish experiences and values

Our Campaigns
As survivors of intolerance, slavery, persecution, marginalisation and discrimination, we believe that a ‘Jewish voice for human rights’ carries an authoritative weight of experience that adds force to advocacy and awareness raising efforts.
Calling out Genocide
Our namesake, Monsieur René Cassin, co-drafted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in response to the atrocities committed in the Holocaust, and was of many Jews involved in establishing a post-war framework to ensure the horror of the Jewish experience of the Holocaust would ‘never again’ be repeated.
Protecting Human Rights in the UK
International human rights law developed in response to the horrors of Holocaust; a practical expression of the necessity to ensure that nation states would never again be allowed to oppress their own citizens. It is a framework that based on the principle that human rights are universal and indivisible.
Discrimination and Marginalisation
The lead up to the Holocaust saw the marginalisation of groups for their religion, identity and political views, including Jews, Roma, disabled people and gay people.
Right to Food
Everyone has the right to access nutritious and equitable food that is both religiously and culturally appropriate. stainable food. Our right to food campaign advocates the realisation of the Right to Food in UK law.
René Cassin events complement our work on key human rights issues and provide a forum for our supporters to get involved
“I found this event extraordinarily moving and profound. Well done for organising this, for your courage and honesty and for radical solidarity in these dark times….
thanks to you and the team for a really powerful and informative event. The mixture of personal testimony with political analysis worked really well.”
Missing Migrant Children – Lessons from the Kindertransport Events, March 2023

We aim to inspire the next generation of human rights advocates
At René Cassin, we provide unique and enriching leadership-oriented initiatives that help build the skills to promote social justice and human rights.
Press & Features
Europe Convention on Human Rights: stay signed in.
Debora Singer MBE
My mother fled the Holocaust to the UK as a kid – refugee children today deserve better.
Debora Singer MBE
Simple Acts of Compassion: Then and Now.
Debora Singer MBE
Jewish human rights charity protests about European Convention exit threat by Tories.
More from René Cassin
Our YouTube Channel offers a wealth of further information and discussion of human rights topics.
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Our Partners and Sponsors

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We are constantly developing our campaigns, planning events, and cultivating discussions on Human Rights issues, sign up for our email updates and we’ll keep you informed on all we are working on and how YOU can get involved.