Join the Campaign: #CutItOut

22 Jun, 2021 | Latest, Refugee Week 2020, Tackling Hate Crime

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René Cassin, the Jewish voice for human rights, is asking groups and individuals to stand together for a society that is open and celebrates diversity and to send a message that intolerance and hostility towards any community is unacceptable.  

Hate crime has doubled, in the UK, between 2013 and 2019. Hate crime does not discriminate, it affects all marginalised and persecuted groups and seeks to further division and hostility. The pandemic has provided a unique and new opportunity for online extremists to sow division. Hateful extremists have exploited the shared feeling of isolation and fear among many during the pandemic to recruit and divide communities. 

But communities are coming together, stronger than ever, in the movement to stop hate. René Cassin has been working with The Traveller Movement to spread this message and stand alongside others in the movement to cut out hate speech and hate crime.  

That’s why we’re asking as many people as possible to join our conversation on how hate crime affects us all and why they’re committed to #CutItOut. 

Moses, our Community Engagement Officer, tells us why he’s committed to #CutItOut.

How you can help

We’re asking our friends and supporters to use the #CutItOut hashtag. You can use the hashtag to highlight why and/or how you’re campaigning to stop hate speech and hate crime and why others should do the same.  

We have created some social media assets (see below) to use alongside the #CutItOut hashtag, and we’re asking you to share your story using the templates and tag others and encourage them to do the same.  

You can follow the #CutItOut campaign on our InstagramFacebook, and Twitter.

Social Media Templates

Use these social media templates on Twitter:

Use these social media templates on Facebook and Instagram:

Use these social media templates on Instagram stories:

Let’s stay in touch!

We are constantly developing our campaigns, planning events, and cultivating discussions on Human Rights issues, sign up for our email updates and we’ll keep you informed on all we are working on and how YOU can get involved.