Passionate about human rights? You could be our new trustee!

8 Jan, 2020 | Latest

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Are you a talented and strategic individual who is committed to the protection of human rights? Do you want to join a team that is determined to remake the Jewish case for human rights in the UK?

We are looking for three new trustees and would particularly welcome expertise in:

  • strategic communications
  • fundraising
  • human resources
  • involvement in the British Jewish community.

René Cassin

René Cassin, the Jewish voice for human rights, works to promote and protect universal human rights drawing on Jewish experience and values.

We celebrate:

  • the timeless and universal nature of human rights values and protections
  • the distinctive Jewish contribution to the current landscape of international human rights
  • the particular historical role played by our namesake, Monsieur René Cassin, to the development of contemporary human rights values in the aftermath of the Second World War

Why human rights need a strong Jewish voice in 2020

This is an important time. In the new era characterised by Brexit, Trump, the rise of nationalism, and weakening of international norms and institutions, the underlying principles of human rights, and even of the rule of law, are coming under sustained attack.

Principles that have been hard fought for and had appeared firmly entrenched are now being questioned and attacked. The system of human rights protections, largely rooted in the Jewish experience in Europe from 1933-45, is being casually discarded.

There has never been a greater need for a strong Jewish advocate, actor and partner making the case for the contemporary importance of human rights values and protection. There has never been a more important time to get involved in our work.

In response to these challenging times, René Cassin is an organisation with a unique position to leverage the moral position associated with our namesake and our convening power as a Jewish human rights organisations with the right to speak on fundamental values.

In an increasingly divided and fractured society, we can be the force for changing attitudes both inside and outside the community.

Join us

Join us and take part in growing the organisation and helping us increase our funds and profile and to realise our potential as the leading voice for human rights in the Jewish community

If you are interested in this opportunity, you are also welcome to have an informal chat with our Chair, Daniel Silverstone: Or feel free to email René Cassin’s Director:

The closing date for applications is Friday 14 February 2020

Holocaust Memorial Day

27th January 2025 Today is Holocaust Memorial Day - the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. The theme for...

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