René Cassin call to action in support of victims of modern slavery & human trafficking

11 Mar, 2021 | Latest, Slavery and Trafficking, Stop the hostile environment

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As we celebrate our journey from slavery to freedom during Passover, we should remember the countless people around the world, including here in the UK, do not share our good fortune, falling or being trafficked into modern day slavery. The current provisions are inadequate for survivors of slavery, and René Cassin supports the Free for Good campaign, advocating for Lord McColl’s Victim support bill, which provides the concrete support that survivors need for a stable foundation for recovery, and prevent re trafficking.

Please support the Bill by writing to your MP, to get the bill into the Queens Speech legislative agenda. You can find both your MP and a template letter at the Free for Good website, here

To find out more about the campaign, visit the Free for Good website

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