The Nationality & Borders Bill, what can you do?

22 Nov, 2021 | Asylum and Detention, Latest, News, Resources, Stop the hostile environment

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The Anti-Refugee Bill (Nationality and Borders Bill) is soon returning to the House of Commons, which means it is time for us to use our voices and contact our local MPs and raise our concerns as a community that historically relies on just and fair laws for asylum seekers and migrants.

Protect Ukrainian refugees from the Bill. Write to your MP now!

CLICK HERE to use our template letter for Jewish constituents to write to your MP.

(You can find your MP by typing your address here.)

What is the Nationality and Borders Bill?

  • This legislation, ruled to undermine international law and do great harm to migrants and asylum seekers, represents the biggest attack on the refugee protection system that we have ever seen and will close the door to desperate people who arrive in the UK to seek safety. Read a summary here.
  • How does this bill threaten asylum and refugee rights, and why should we care as Jews? Read our summary response to the overall plans here
  • Why should we care simply as citizens? Learn more about the wider campaign to support refugees and asylum seekers, led by the Detention Forum, here

How can I raise awareness?

  • Tap into your sphere of influence: In addition to posting  to your personal social media, remember to also share with your youth movement/friendship group/synagogue year Whatsapp/ Instagram/facebook groups too! Encourage your synagogue or youth group to share the assets provided and inform people of what is happening
  • Share our posts and graphics (shown below) on the Bill from Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, all of which you can find in this folder

Get involved in our campaigns!

Join René Cassin’s campaigns as a volunteer: we are always looking for people to do research, draft letters and join our campaign group to end detention and modern slavery- email if you want to get involved

René Cassin Instagram post explaining the Bill
René Cassin Twitter post explaining the Bill

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27th January 2025 Today is Holocaust Memorial Day - the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. The theme for...

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