World Day Against Human Trafficking

30 Jul, 2024 | Slavery and Trafficking

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‘No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms’, Article 4, Universal Declaration of Human Rights in relation to human trafficking.

From Rene Cassin’s Instagram

Human trafficking is illegal everywhere, yet it still occurs. Modern slavery is happening in our communities as an unseen crime in hotels, car washes, restaurants, nail salons and private homes. The essence of slavery is that of total control and dehumanisation of individuals.

This year’s theme for World Day Against Trafficking is ‘Leave No Child Behind in the Fight Against Human Trafficking’. From Uyghur children being separated from their families and placed into children’s re-education schools masked as ‘boarding schools’ and orphanages, to unaccompanied refugee children falling survivors to exploitation and trafficking across the UK, human trafficking remains untreated.

Instead, too many UK policies criminalise survivors and abandon those trafficked to the UK, providing too few legal and safe routes and holistic support for survivors.

From scripture, ‘there is no mitzvah greater than freeing captives’, to forced labour camps during the Holocaust, slavery and trafficking are unavoidably connected to the Jewish experience. Our foundational narrative of a people led from bondage to freedom urges us to speak out, especially when faced with the inhumane reality of modern-day slavery and trafficking.

It is so that we will understand that Egypt was not simply one place and time. It is any place and time in which people are not free. And because it is any place and time, it is every place and time.

Words of Rabbi Lev Taylor (2023)

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