Human Rights Shabbat 2021 (5782): The Right to Food

26 Nov, 2021 | Education, Latest, Promotion, Resources, Right to Food

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René Cassin has been running the cross-communal ‘Human Rights Shabbat Programme’ for over a decade. Human Rights Shabbat marks the anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights drafted on the 10th December 1948 , co-drafted by our namesake Monsieur René Cassin. 

This year in particular, many are facing extreme hardship. Our Jewish texts and values are founded on justice and fairness and we must strive for social justice wherever we can. Therefore, on the  Shabbat of the 10th and 11th of  December we are inviting you to consider the human Right to Food, a right which 8.7 million adults and children in the UK lack.

As one of the richest countries in the world, it is unacceptable that millions of people in the UK struggle to access the safe, nutritious and sustainable food they need. This struggle has become even more pertinent in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Our community has a rich heritage of food, and is perfectly placed to lead the campaign to ensure a right to food for all. In Leviticus, we are instructed that “you shall not pick your vineyard bare or gather the fallen fruit of your vineyard; you shall leave them for the poor and the stranger.” Thus, both as humans and members of the Jewish Community, it is vital that we strive to help those without fair and equal access to food.  

To help communities, groups and individuals mark this year’s Human Rights Shabbat, we have produced a Right to Food Resource Pack . This resource is filled with useful content including information and talking points on the issue of the right to food, Jewish text resources for sermon idea and study sessions and educational activities. We hope this enriches your celebration of human rights Shabbat. 

You can download the pack HERE.

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