The 8th June 2022 marks the 10 year anniversary of the UK signing the Istanbul Convention on Violence Against Women , a vital human rights instrument. Although the Government has announced its intention to ratify imminently, it is set to negate protections for migrant women survivors of violence. Violence against women and girls (VAWG) shows no signs of slowing, with migrant women constituting some of the most vulnerable population. The Government has an important opportunity to ratify the Convention with its full set of protections.
Last year we brought together over 200 Jewish communal professionals in support of convention 190 on sexual harassment in the workplace. Now we stand together again to urge the UK Government to seize this opportunity. Our Jewish tradition values dignity and justice– we are rising to this call: ratify the Istanbul Convention with no reservations to include the rights of migrant women and ensure that no woman gets left behind. We are proudly supporting IC Change and the Latin American Women’s Rights Service who are leading this campaign.
You can access the full briefing here:
Jewish Women Say: Support Ratification Without Reservations
Jewish women stand together to support the rights of migrant women affected by gendered violence. Watch our video here:
Take Action:
Play your part in creating a world where all women are safe from violence. Email or Tweet your MP asking them to support ratification without exception.
- Use this template to write to your MP (find their address by entering your postcode here)
- Share this image on your social media
- Email Rachel on to talk about further opportunities’ for involvement